Mixels Coloring Page for Teslo, of the Electroids tribe in Series 1. PDF Teslo coloring page.
Image from mixels.wikia.com/wiki/Mixels_Wiki, font from jared33.deviantart.com/art/Mixels-Font-483320532. Mixels are trademarks of LEGO and all that.
Mixels Coloring Page for Teslo, of the Electroids tribe in Series 1. PDF Teslo coloring page.
Image from mixels.wikia.com/wiki/Mixels_Wiki, font from jared33.deviantart.com/art/Mixels-Font-483320532. Mixels are trademarks of LEGO and all that.
Mixels Coloring Page for Zaptor, of the Electroids tribe in Series 1. PDF Zaptor coloring page.
Image from mixels.wikia.com/wiki/Mixels_Wiki, font from jared33.deviantart.com/art/Mixels-Font-483320532. Mixels are trademarks of LEGO and all that.
Mixels Coloring Page for Volectro, of the Electroids tribe in Series 1. PDF Volectro coloring page.
Image from mixels.wikia.com/wiki/Mixels_Wiki, font from jared33.deviantart.com/art/Mixels-Font-483320532. Mixels are trademarks of LEGO and all that.
Mixels Coloring Page for Krader, of the Cragsters tribe in Series 1. PDF Krader coloring page.
Image from mixels.wikia.com/wiki/Mixels_Wiki, font from jared33.deviantart.com/art/Mixels-Font-483320532. Mixels are trademarks of LEGO and all that.
Mixels Coloring Page for Shuff, of the Cragsters tribe in Series 1. PDF Shuff coloring page.
Image from mixels.wikia.com/wiki/Mixels_Wiki, font from jared33.deviantart.com/art/Mixels-Font-483320532. Mixels are trademarks of LEGO and all that.
Mixels Coloring Page for Seismo, of the Cragsters tribe in Series 1. PDF Seismo coloring page.
Image from mixels.wikia.com/wiki/Mixels_Wiki, font from jared33.deviantart.com/art/Mixels-Font-483320532. Mixels are trademarks of LEGO and all that.
Mixels Coloring Page for Zorch, of the Infernites tribe in Series 1. PDF Zorch coloring page.
Image from mixels.wikia.com/wiki/Mixels_Wiki, font from jared33.deviantart.com/art/Mixels-Font-483320532. Mixels are trademarks of LEGO and all that.
Mixels Coloring Page for Vulk, of the Infernites tribe in Series 1. PDF Vulk coloring page.
Image from mixels.wikia.com/wiki/Mixels_Wiki, font from jared33.deviantart.com/art/Mixels-Font-483320532. Mixels are trademarks of LEGO and all that.
Mixels Coloring Page for Flain, of the Infernites tribe in Series 1. PDF Flain coloring page.
Image from mixels.wikia.com/wiki/Mixels_Wiki, font from jared33.deviantart.com/art/Mixels-Font-483320532. Mixels are trademarks of LEGO and all that.
We have been using and loving the Logic of English system (specifically the in-development Foundations curriculum) for home schooling our kids (currently just our oldest) in phonics, handwriting, and reading. We love it because it teaches rules that explain 98% of English words rather than using rote memory. Two and a half months in, we’re extremely pleased with the system and the results.
One difficulty my wife has had with any pre-made handwriting pages (whether now or back in her classroom teaching days) is finding the write sized lines; I’m sure it’s a problem for publishers as well, trying to find the size that works for most students.
So here’s what we’re trying. I drew up some simple pages with varying sizes of lines (from ½-inch to 2-inch lines). I also did a single page with all the different sizes and a reference line (I’m calling it the assessment sheet).
Periodically, we plan to use the assessment sheet to have the student practice writing the same thing (as what’s written on the reference line) at different sizes. This way, we can (1) find the “sweet spot” for what size lines the student will be best able to write (or a little smaller if we’re trying to work on motor skills) and (2) use it as one way of assessing motor skill development over time.
A couple design notes—we chose solid middle lines because my wife noticed that our son tries to connect to the dots with a dashed middle line and shaded the background because it gets confusing to tell which line is which without the shading.
Here’s all the sheets in PDF format. If you use them, modify them, or have a suggestion to improve them, let me know!