@_daniel_hazel_ obviously you need her
@_daniel_hazel_ obviously you need her
RT @conradhackett: Deaths from police shootings (latest available year) US 409 Germany 8 Britain 0 Japan 0 economist.com/news/united-st… http://t.co/RYU5guAD98
RT @pd_shutterspeed: anonymous group lays 60 plus yards of roses at #MichaelBrown #Ferguson memorial; community lights candles in memoriam http://t.co/JI8xcUSPYV
RT @SeanCollinsSTL: One again, Dan Perkins nails it. Tom Tomorrow’s Officer Friendly: m.dailykos.com/stories/1321540 http://t.co/sgETEaoy1z
@deadyetliving @christandpc advantage over social media is that it’s archived along with the content
RT @BBCWorld: Egypt calls on US authorities to show restraint against protesters in #Ferguson bbc.in/1uS3tSd http://t.co/BDSwDATZD1
RT @nytimes: Mapping the spread of the military’s surplus gear to police departments nyti.ms/1oX760O http://t.co/1JZ3TzrlPz
RT @christandpc: The Other Side of Ferguson: Local Churches Fighting Injustice wp.me/p8WLT-eKG
“Donald Santarelli, the now-regretful father of the no-knock raid, says, “I don’t think it’s possible to roll… amzn.com/k/EY1ZjaxnRNeM…
RT @ManchesterOrch: Just finished mixing HOPE with Phil Ek. Can’t wait to share.