.@MrPine twitter.com/The_Pigeon/sta…
.@MrPine twitter.com/The_Pigeon/sta…
@_daniel_hazel_ in fairness, you were always able to. Just a matter of pain tolerance
@_daniel_hazel_ yes, it did. Some guy isn’t on some show anymore or something. It’s over now
Take forever trying to figure out how to miss driving through predicted Icemageddon, then arrive in 72° Nashville. Weird day.
NIN’s best song is free on Google Play! play.google.com/store/music/al…
@_daniel_hazel_ in Philadelphia?
RT @BrentButt: Google motto 2004: Don’t be evil Google motto 2010: Evil is tricky to define Google motto 2013: We make military robots
Before I comb my daughter’s hair at night, I sing “Shake it Out” while she shakes her head to detangle. @ManchesterOrch
I’d rather live for 1 year than die for 20.
RT @bobgoff: If you want lasting influence in the world, influence your family. @lovedoes