@_daniel_hazel_ I’m letting the midnight special shine the light on me
@_daniel_hazel_ I’m letting the midnight special shine the light on me
@_daniel_hazel_ hey, I’m watching a movie from your computer right now
@_daniel_hazel_ wow. having a bad day, then, I take it? 🙂
Glanced up to see FedEx truck leaving. opened up tracking….Yep, it was my Macbook Air. #guesswhatimdoingthisafternoon
@GregoryNoack If you don’t like them, you’re doing it wrong. 🙂
bummed that I can’t be at #csuc13 this year but I’m looking forward to following from here
RT @Harrison_Peter: The shocking truth behind Tetris. http://t.co/Ctm4F61hT6
@MrPine and yes I think it’s a good idea to plan it publicly with a hashtag and display it on whatever we do #pjprank
@MrPine Soooo, I discovered that I have 3 bags of expanding packing foam. #pjprank
RT @ginatrapani: Women need to understand that “boys will be boys”? No. Men need to understand that pass expires when you’re no longer a bo…