Soooo, when you get to a hotel and immediately plug in 4 chargers, does that mean you’re too connected? #imincontrol #icanquitanytimeiwant
Soooo, when you get to a hotel and immediately plug in 4 chargers, does that mean you’re too connected? #imincontrol #icanquitanytimeiwant
Grrr….it’s 8 bucks. Oh, well, maybe we’ll be delayed a few hours.
Woohoo! I get to watch @ChiBlackhawks on the plane!
RT @JasonAller: 2008 campaign promise “I’ll protect whistle blowers”. 2013 reality “Insider Threat Program” (ITP). Electing politicians doe…
#cfaa #aaronswartz Aaron’s Law just intro’ed. Become citizen cosponsor:… via @demandprogress
RT @mental_floss: On The West Wing in 1999, Nick Offerman (“Ron Swanson”) played a man lobbying the White House to build a $900 million wol…
RT @hannon_hill: Didn’t mean to let that slip!! Or did we? 😉 RT @chaoaj: @charlieholder Sounds interesting #VelocityLocator #cascadeserve…
@hannon_hill @chaoaj @charlieholder great solution! will definitely be using this!
@JasonAller biggest jump I experienced in usefulness of the system. I now think of #cascadeserver more as a data intermediary than CMS
“@donaldmiller: For all you dads out there – The real task of a father: (from @itsalandrews)” beautiful post