RT @petersagal: What unites Rep and Dem, young and old, black and white: a love of seeing stuff blown up. @donttrythis for President.
RT @petersagal: What unites Rep and Dem, young and old, black and white: a love of seeing stuff blown up. @donttrythis for President.
@boagworld and of course “share with your friends” = “market our app for us”
RT @donttrythis: I got a great card the other day: http://t.co/hkUt86eO
I’m not a preacher. But, just the same, I was asked to bring a short message for an Easter sunrise (ok, earlier-in-the-morning-but-not-quite-sunrise) service. Reposting it…
RT @peterwooley: The <a> tag’s new download attribute should prove super handy. http://t.co/AO8qvHqJ
RT @bluelikejazzmov: Depending on your time zone, it’s Tuesday, April 10. AKA = Only 4 days til #BlueLikeJazz hits theaters! http://t.co …
Join me with an apology. http://t.co/T7OS1tMx
I’m confessing to you… And I need you to forgive me. http://t.co/viGV9bIP
RT @bluelikejazzmov: Part 03 of the #BlueLikeJazz mini-doc is up! Watch ‘Lead Roles’ at http://t.co/GgVXGGWv
@karinejoly took it, got a 500 error