I thought I lived too far out of the city to get a @bluelikejazzmov street team package, but it came today! http://t.co/Vd5TA6uS
I thought I lived too far out of the city to get a @bluelikejazzmov street team package, but it came today! http://t.co/Vd5TA6uS
RT @donaldmiller: If you worked on @bluelikejazzmov or are one of our backers, hope this does you proud: http://t.co/gZoyaY8R
FYI, “built only for your magical iPad device” = disregard http://t.co/9NWFpPV1
RT @bluelikejazzmov: On the blog: #BlueLikeJazz by The Numbers. http://t.co/ZzlaMrR6
Dear @amazon: please just launch your redesign already. It’s great, and switching back and forth all the time is making my head hurt.
@donaldmiller I guess that’s why we didn’t get a “Chicago loves #BlueLikeJazz” video to retweet–too high a bar for the other cities! 😉
RT @donaldmiller: @breannalane we peaked in Naperville. But keep that quiet. #shshsh
I was all excited to have received an email from Google Wage – I though I was finally going to get on Google’s payroll. Imagine…
RT @bluelikejazzmov: http://t.co/JVxab75d just called #BlueLikeJazz ‘the most pleasant surprise at the SXSW Film Festival.’ Spread the w …
RT @donaldmiller: Team #BlueLikeJazz is 1500 street teams, 4400 investors and hundreds of actual crew. It’s a huge community. #Proud.